Careers Guidance, University, and College Preparation

For parents: Why and what you can achieve with a personalized bespoke approach to careers guidance and university preparation for your child

A bespoke approach to your child’s university preparation, particularly during their busy adolescent life, is a positively impactful way of helping them help themselves.

Your child will take ownership of the process as they are the recipient of the investment you are making in their future to invest in their voyage of discovery and action.

Time is carved out for your child to ensure that sufficient consideration of all the opportunities and necessary action to achieve them is allowed in a calm and measured manner.

The practice understands the demands on school time and what that means for you as a busy parent, and how your child needs support to navigate the rigours of the international and national competition that exist year on year for US college and university preparation.

Key elements of your child’s tailored programme would likely include:

  • Building of a CV exploring planning

  • Subject discovery, accessing a super-curriculum and demonstrating this over time

  • Application for work experience and internships

  • Attendance at university and college fairs

  • Planning for PSAT, ACT, or SATs where appropriate

  • Essay preparation and liaison with your child’s school regarding letters of recommendation and advice about scholarship applications

  • ED/EA or regular decision

  • A wide variety of planning and teaching your child about leadership and how to navigate change with grit, resilience and a sense of humour.

In the last ten years, offers have been made:

Ivy League Offers (some are multiple per student)

Founder and CEO of EJC Education Consultancy, Elizabeth Clarke, brings over twenty years of global experience in school and university guidance.

The founder has non-executive experience in education as a Governor of two well-known HMC schools in the UK.

 University and College offers include:

“Elizabeth Clarke is ideally placed to advise you if you are seeking a UK school or university for your child. I have worked closely with Elizabeth on several projects, advising her as a Governor of two leading UK schools in respect of their international business development plans.
Elizabeth has an encyclopaedic knowledge of UK schools and international education and is driven to achieve the very best results for her clients. I can think of no one better qualified to advise parents seeking the most suitable UK school for their child or to offer advice on the most effective preparation for a UK and US university education.”

T. Edge, Managing Director UK/Asia Consulting

Explore your possibilities today