Careers Guidance, University, and College Preparation

Higher Education, University and College: How we can support you as a school

There are many benefits to a relationship with EJC Education Consultancy

An initial discussion with EJC Education Consultancy can be the best place to consider what you need to best teach and support the guidance provided for your students and their families. You will see how this part of the curriculum impacts your wider teaching body, including your academic and intellectual mission and place in the market.

Our approach is research and evidence-driven for your students and department. It is specific to your school, making the most of a sustainable relationship for the whole community in the present and the future.

We know that you wish to work for the good of your students and their families by recommending them to us through your school communications virtually or in person. The practice works individually with the families who are looking for specific higher education guidance in a bespoke and private manner.

Bespoke guidance is often offered but not exclusively for university preparation for the US college and university entry.

EJC Education Consultancy would work collaboratively and support the school’s careers information and guidance department or Sixth Form Head to ensure that the individual student and their family’s experience reflects positively on them and their child’s school to the mutual benefit for all.

Schools may also require department planning, training, and development to support and enhance their existing Careers Information, Advice, Education, Guidance Programme, and Higher Education preparation. This challenging environment is affected by external factors such as global graduate markets, sector trends, and niche skill sets. This is aside from global events such as a pandemic that can hugely impact the practicalities of being a Higher Education student or even starting the journey to commence being one!

Schools that EJC Education Consultancy has supported:

Associations EJC Education Consultancy works with:

“Elizabeth gave a most insightful presentation to Heads of Sixth Form and careers counsellors from around the Middle East on the most effective provision for Gifted and Talented students. Elizabeth provided a birds-eye strategic overview that outlined a robust framework for the most effective whole-school provision as well as anticipating and tackling potential obstacles to that provision. The presentation also furnished us with a rich variety of practical suggestions that we could immediately take away with us to enhance the super-curricular exploration of our Sixth Form students, discussion with SLT members and Principals and Boards.”

Head of Sixth Form, Dubai College, HMC

“In my previous role as Vice Principal with overall responsibility for Admissions to the University of St Andrews, I paid frequent visits to The Doon School in Dehradun. As one of India’s most academically prestigious high schools, it represented a significant opportunity to attract able applicants, many of whom were taking the IB Diploma rather than the ISC examination. Elizabeth had broad responsibilities including developing the careers guidance service. I found Elizabeth’s approach to careers guidance to be sensitive and well-informed about the UK and the USA particularly. I always felt that the students I met there were comprehensively and imaginatively advised and the whole careers counselling service was amongst the best I worked with.”

Stephen Magee, ex Vice-Principal of University of St Andrews i/c of Admissions

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